Thursday, 23 April 2015

Amazing Tips To Help You Stay Fit Via Natural Means

A hard hitting fact of life: You will Get older day by day — with or without being destined to crinkle Dom  & jiggly thighs — and it definitely doesn’t entail a expensive trainer and a pail of Botox It is an age old fact. Top researchers Crohn’s & Colitis  were asked to share their how-to-stay-young secrets for meandering back time without prescriptions. Their sincere advices will let you remain young even after 55 and you will look and feel everyday wonderful, by doing smart things everyday: de-stress, eat-healthy, exercise — not that difficult, right? Read on to know their secrets they have published in their recent  health book “STAY HEALTHY VIA NATURAL MEANS”

•    Take a break: De-stress yourself
According to Crohn’s & Colitis stress is the main reason which causes changes in body that accelerates aging. Pacing of the hormones cortisol and adrenaline are the reason blood pressure increases and the heart beats faster. Now a days, when stressors seem merciless ( job pressures, family issues, traffic jams, money matters), constant doses of adrenaline & cortisol take a serious toll on physical and emotional health conditions. "Forty to Eighty five percent of all visits to doctors  each year are mostly related to obsessive anger,depression,anxiety,hostility,insomnia,heart attacks, high blood pressures — all caused due to stress," says Coltis
The most efficient way to stop these negative chain of dealings is to meditate. This method involves repeating a mantra — a sound, phrase,word or prayer — for at least 10 minutes per day.

•    Fat consumption is important
It is a healthy kind, which is. “Omega-3 fatty acids” (mostly found in seeds,walnuts,salmons,nuts) helps  calm down mood, preserve bone strength, and help out by preventing  perceptible signs of aging by reducing irritation in the body. It also boosts the ability of enzymes to drag fat out of storage from your hips. It also helps keep the body healthy and skin glowing."

•    Get going by getting off that couch
Exercise not only helps you lose weight but it also is effective for toning muscles, building healthier and stronger bones and lifts up mood. Additionally it helps to think clearly. Research has shown a link between better brain power and physical exercise. “Walk for just 10 minutes a day and see the effects regarding risk of Alzheimer's . It will reduce by fifty percent” as proved by studies. Physical exercises de-stress the body and reduces anxiety, which wipe out memory bank.

Now that Crohn’s & Colitis have shared some of their secrets its time to get a copy of their book “STAY HEALTHY VIA NATURAL MEANS” and stay young and healthy rest of your life without those medicines and prescriptions. Go outside, talk a walk and have some fresh air.